Navigating Artifact
Updated over a week ago

This guide will help you navigate through Artifact, showcasing its features and guiding you on how to use them effectively.

Feature Navigation

Use the navigation bar in the top right of your screen to navigate between the different features in Artifact.

Below is a brief overview of each of the features.


When you first log into Artifact you will be directed to the Inspect page unless you are logging into to Artifact from a shared link.

The Inspect page shows recent trends and anomalies in your topics across all data sources. Inspect is helpful in identifying underlying insights that are changing quickly.


Explore lets you investigate high-level topics and investigate topic categories such as product issues, feature requests, etc. You can evaluate changes in topics volume and frequency overtime, and save your insights as reports.

We recommend starting in Explore with a specific question, such as the following:

  • "What are the most common complaints among new users in the last 30 days?"

  • "What are the most common feature requests among subscription customers in the last 90 days?"

  • "What are the most common frequently asked questions in our support channels?"


The Reports page is where you will see all of the reports that you have created and create new reports.


Answers enables you to ask questions on your qualitative data. Think of it as a Google search or a a ChatGPT but on your own data.

Using Answers is a great way to get quick insights from your data. In Answers you can ask questions like the following:

  • "What are users saying about the mobile app in the last 90 days?"

  • "What are customers saying about shipping issues in the last 30 days?"

  • "What are customers saying about annual billing options in the last 30 days?"


Stream aggregates and summarizes all of your customer interactions. It's a great if you want a quick overview of all the interactions related to a specific timeframe or to a specific key word.

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