Updated over a week ago

The Reports feature in Artifact allows users to create custom reports, providing insightful analysis tailored to various customer segments, data sources, and topics. These reports are helpful in sharing insights with other team members and for following insights over time.

Types of Reports

You can create the following report types in Artifact:

  1. Overview: A broad look at what customers are saying: likes, dislikes, issues, and requests.

  2. Feature Monitoring: Monitor likes, dislikes, issues, FAQs, and feature requests for a feature or product.

  3. Churn: See what churned users are saying, requesting, and complaining about (requires subscription data).

  4. New Users: Discover what your new users are liking, disliking, requesting, and asking.

  5. Customer Tracking Report: Discover what a particular customer type is liking, disliking, requesting, and asking.

  6. Upcoming Renewals Report: Monitor the issues, requests, likes, dislikes, and FAQs of upcoming renewals (requires subscription data).

Creating a Report

Reports can be created from the Explore page and from the Reports page.

  • In Explore: After creating your insight view in Explore you can select the "Create report" button in the top left of the screen to either create a new report with the insight or to add the insight to an existing report.

  • In Reports: If you have not already created a report then you will see the report selector view. Select a report type to get started in creating a report.

    If you have already created a report, then you will create a report by selecting the "Create report" button in the top left.

Customizing your report

After selecting the report type to create, you will be walked through the process of setting up your report by select data sources, time frames, and adding filters. Each walkthrough it different given the report type.

After your report is created you can edit the title and the sub-title by clicking the title and sub-title areas.

Sharing your report

You can share your report with other team members and the report will show in their Reports page. Select the "Share" button on the top left and enter in the email address of the team member.

Favoriting your report

Favoriting a report will place a report in your favorites. To favorite a report select the "Favorite" button from the top right in the report screen.

From the Reports page you can filter down just to your favorited reports by clicking the "All reports" button in the top left and selecting "Favorited reports".

Editing your report

To edit a report click into the report, select the "Edit" button in the top right and then select "Edit report inputs". You will be redirected to the report walk through where you can change the data selections and filters.

Deleting a Report

To delete a report click into the report, select the "Edit" button in the top right, and then select "Delete Report".

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