Updated over a week ago

Stream aggregates and summarizes all of your customer interactions. It's a great if you want a quick overview of all the interactions related to a specific timeframe or to a specific key word.

Stream view

The Stream view shows the summarized interactions over the selected time period shown on the time picker on the left.

Changing the time period

The default view is all interactions from the previous day. The change the time period select the date indicator in the top right and then drag the time selector on the left.

Filtering interactions

Filter your data sources by selecting data sources from the top row. Filter down by key word, customer name, or account name by selecting the "+" icon in the filtering panes on the right. You can remove those filters by select the "-" icon next to the filter.

Interaction details

Clicking into an interaction will show the summary breakdown of the interaction in the left pane, the complete interaction in the center pane, and any customer details on the right pane.

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